May 30, 2004 15:39
ive finally looked back on all those entrys on the "monica thing". wow, they say time heals everthing. well, its been long enough for me to look back on it and see it all from a more or less different point of view.
everything that was said seems alot worse. like, all those people calling me fat, then i was just like w/e, but now its making me feel terrible about myself. also, everyting i said about monica, like calling her monkey and shit, i realized that was so incredably mean. i mean, if someone said all that shitabout me, i would probably think i was the ugliest thing in the world. im not saying i want to be monicas friend, im just saying to her, and to alot of other people; im sorry.
i really was being a bitch before, and im scared thats why people have been "avoiding me". i just got in a huge fight with rachel, just like i had w' monica, and im not going to say anything about her here or anywhere else, if i think shes a whore (this is JUSt an example), thats my opinion, no one else wants to hear about it, u kno?
everything is getting so fucked up, every one hates katherine all of the sudden, and i love her so much and i kno she wouldnt make this shit up, and i feel so bad for her. the thing with rachel, zack thinking im mad at him for not inviting me to his party (probably because of monica), and this huge personal thing that happened at home that im not dumb enough to post for everyone to read. ive also been talking alot of shit about a certain person, and i dont kno what to do about it. perhaps u can help
theres a person (who i wont name) who is my "friend". they like me alot, and i think there sweet, but there getting really really annoying. they seem to follow me everywhere i go, and i want to drop him/her, but i cant because that be bitchy. i just hate middle school.
the pointis, im sorry to everyone ive hurt. if u have been avoiding me, i havent actually noticed. so either tell me why, and i wont bother u, or else please forgive me if its because i was a bitch before. i also have been annoyingly hyper over the past few weeks, but due to some stuff i think ive calmed down. w/e