Oct 19, 2005 21:29
So.. I felt like being like Jamie.. and posting an entry..
Ive just got to vent for a second.. So there is this guy (when is there not one) and he just fucks with my emotions non-stop. It's driving me crazy. I seriously dont know what is going on more than half the time.. Sometimes everything will be awesome and it will be like we are perfect and then other time he literally ignores me.. I basically dont know what to do about this and if anyone knows who I am talking about.. Then you know exactly what I mean.
Okay enough about him. I also have a secret crush on this one kid. Hes pretty fucking cute. But only two people even know who this boy is.. Haha. Im in love! ;)
I hate my job more than anything right now.. I seriously cant stand one more day. Every single fucking day the lady that is one of my three bosses forgets to fill me in on something and ends up making me call home to a child that didnt need to be called home and then I end up getting yelled at because the parents had already called in. How fucking sweet! I love it when that happens!
I know two new words. Affable and Sanctimonious. I really like the word sanctimonious because it can be used quite well for good sarcasm that no one understands. The word basically means 'extremely holy' or 'amazingly perfect'. You can use this word in a sarcastic way like this, "Well arent we just the most sanctimonious kid on the block?" .. Yeah its perfect.
Well I guess I have said enough for today.
Love, Melissa Wiltz.