Jan 04, 2006 00:36
You know the feeling when you discover a song that you love so much right away that you've just got to listen to it 10 times in a row? I love that. Hasn't happened to me in a while, but oh man. I think I'm going to buy Imogen Heap's latest album tomorrow. "The Walk" and "Hide and Seek" are two of the best songs I've heard in a long time.
In summary, music is a good thing.
In other news, skiing at Afton today was also a good thing, though I'm slightly sore now. Good practice for Tahoe. I'll be far less scared of steep hills than I was on my freshman year ski trip. What passes for a hill in southern MN is pretty sad, but hey. Fairly cheap, good snow, pretty warm weather, and good company, including Tai-Jin, Tina and Lekan who all go to Stanford but whom I feel I see more often here in Minnesota than I do on campus. Plus Cheri, of whom the above is not so true, and her brother who's now taller than me - scary! And Will, and some folks I didn't really know. And TJ's Harvard friend who's apparently embarassed to admit to people where she goes to school. How cute. I'll admit I'm guilty of the "I go to college... in California" thing on occasion.
Visiting Highland tomorrow (well, today, as it's 12:30 a.m.) at 1:00 with Rachel and Emma. I feel kinda weird going back there, as the only students I know anymore are a handful of seniors, and none of them are good friends. We'll probably hang out with Dr. Grays and that'll be about it.