CFUD Application

Aug 24, 2010 00:04

Character: Orihara Maya
Series: Bloody Monday
Character Age: 35
Counselor Job: Sex Education Instructor

Canon: In the modern world, acts of terrorism plague Japan every so often. Japan's Public Security Intelligence Agency branch known as Third-I is responsible for stopping these terrorist attacks. Solution? Enlist (sometimes by force) the help of a young kid named Takagi Fujimaru, whose secret identity is the genius hacker Falcon. Together with Third-I, Falcon must uncover the plots of each terrorist organization before the terrorists destroy Japan.

Orihara Maya is a mercenary-for-hire, who may work for either Third-I or the terrorists (or both) depending on how much money is offered. You see, Maya is interested in money rather than ideals; who her client is doesn't really matter. Though she prefers deceiving, seducing, or playing mind games with her targets, she's also a cold-blooded killer who will harm even innocent people just to get the job done. Her confidence, smarts, and calm facade even when faced with difficult obstacles manage to get her out of the stickiest of situations, and this ability of hers is why her clients find it hard to dispose of her even when she slips up or acts on her own accord, to the extent of exposing her allies just to get away.

Plus she's really hot, and she's all for exploiting it.

Sample Post:

My, you're a very... unique group of youngsters, aren't you? Not many boys express fascination with a woman's brains, but it seems I didn't need the short skirt to get your attention, after all. Now since I'm a new teacher here, perhaps we should start with introductions. I'm Orihara Maya, your Sex Education Instructor, and since someone is going to ask it eventually: Yes, I'm single. I like men who are sensitive, into botany, and... perhaps also have a lot of money? It's just too bad none of you own a money tree, but at least we have this condom tree to supply us with materials to aid in my teaching. Does anyone want to volunteer to pluck out some condoms? Thank you, D.K., now please step forward. And no, that doesn't mean you can lean too close to me. This can be considered harassment, did you know? That also includes trying to grab me, too. Do you still want to do it?

-Ah-ah, that was a pretty dangerous stunt, D.K. Now see how I accidentally ripped your arm off? I didn't mean to do that, but if you attack me so suddenly then I'd naturally resort to defending myself. Truth be told, I know that none of you are interested in Sex Education, since aside from your obvious inability to even perform intercourse without danger of certain parts falling off, you're not my real students, am I right? The way those of you who still have eyes glance at each other every so often and give out signal grunts, plus that moan that sounded strangely like "get her", is rather suspicious. That's not really being discreet, and attacking a teacher isn't very nice to begin with.

...You ate the real Sex Education Instructor? It looks like I've been found out, then. I'm pretty impressed; it seems that you're brighter than I thought. But you're right; I'm here for something else. Let's just say a certain very important person hired me to make sure her cute prison continues operating normally, or else there might be very drastic consequences. I understand you only want to protect the place you, hmm... unlive in, but before you attack me again, don't you want to hear another secret? The truth is, one of you is also my comrade. In exchange for working with me, he will be given extra servings of brain everyday. Now even if you kill me, the zombie spy will still be among you, so you should be worried about that too. Could it be the silent one in the back, or the one with the shifty eye, or even D.K. himself?

Now while you figure out who it is, I'll be taking my leave. Ah, are you surprised? Didn't you notice me gradually taking steps away from you? That's a very bad habit; getting easily distracted won't get you anywhere. However, even if you don't capture me, at least you'll always keep the information I've told you about one of your kind. That's a good enough consolation, don't you agree?

App round: 88.2% (45 In, 6 Out)


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