You've Got Something On Your Face; Here, Let Me Wipe It Off The Map

Sep 24, 2007 13:52

When the world's got you down because you've got to calculate the marginal curve and the prospect of it just pushes you past the bounds of reason and into the bounds of homicidal thought, it's extremely satisfying to force your way into being one of the few members of your student body to violently squeeze the hand of one of the world's most prominent anti-Semites. I snuck behind Lerner with the press group that was filming the President of Iran's entrance to the building. When he arrived, sporting a crisp gray suit and glasses, I leapt forward to proffer my hand through a layer of security guards and police officers. He smiled indulgently (this was not in his contract, I'm sure, so I must at least give him respect for that measure of graciousness) and as he grasped my hand, I twisted his ever so slightly. Now, my understanding was that men like him were not generally in the habit of touching any individuals with a habit of menstruating, so I was actually quite taken aback; but hey, I've got short hair, maybe he thought I was a dude. Anyway, our chumminess was cut short when a police officer shoved me away and none-too-kindly escorted me back to the front of the building, which I suppose I don't blame him for, but now my hand smells distinctly of cologne and I know -- I know! -- that it's ol' Mahmoud's. Mahmoud and me, we probably won't be seeing much of each other anymore, but what a moment we shared!

All this said, though, thanks, President Ahmadinejad, for helping make SIPA such a household name! We get 2,500 Google News hits and our dean and many of our professors have made more than 30 television news appearances this week.

Was not able to register to see the talk in person after all, given how quickly it filled up, but will catch the closed-circuit re-broadcast tonight. Seeing him would have been nice, but engaging him in a painful handshake was a pleasant exorcism. THIS IS FOR ISRAEL, or something.


brushes with fame

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