T_T Well, I accidentally blew up the stove on Friday.. And Rune and I lost power for the week end though I wasn't actually in the house most of the week end. >.< Sorry Rune, I really am. I didn't mean to mess it up. It was an accident. I was gonna make you a good souffle from DraQueen, but then you got mad at me. And next thing I knew it exploded in the oven, and blew up the stove.
Anyway... Rune ... I'm not gonna be home till late again. Don't ask please, just don't ask. And I'll have Earth with me so don't worry about us.
0.0 I think I'm gay. And that I'm in love with Rune. ~.~ I feel it deep inside and it there, but I can't seem to say it to him because he's been thinking of Tinlet.
And he was engaged to her at one point. And then there is the letter that I got form the Lord that I still haven't given him. I'm just not sure anymore. Though going out to the Park every night with Earth.
He has helped me think through things. He listened and sat there while I petted and fed him. he's a good Dragon. Oh crap... I'm never gonna hear the end of this when word gets to DraQueen that I've gone queer. XP
Oh god, that reminds me, I wonder how Kitchel is doing. The twerp still owes me money >.< ..