YES! I'm free!! Well only until Runwalk finds me again. ~_~;;; But I don't want to do any work today, I've been working for so long... I just want to have fun for a bit. OH! I found my computer in my bag. ^_^ I can't believe I forgot about it. Though it's not as if I haven't been buisy. Stupid jobs have had me running around in the dark. Earth's tired too, He's asleep on the tree branch above me.
BOO! Hey Rune, guess what?!? They say I should be comming back soon. But they're not telling me when. But they say I'm almsot done with all the missions thay have for me. Though I don't realy want to be working... How are you? How's the house? How's water?... How's everything... I'm too lazy to read all the past entries. lol you know me ^_^
Happy Birthday Ginji. .. wow so many people to say Hi to and so little time to type. AH! RUNWALK.. Must HIDE.