I am so fucking SICK of this. This isnt my responsilbility. Why am I the one that has to fix everything? Isnt it supposed to be the other way around? I cant tell you how many times Ive considered leaving, ftryiung something else, and the main reason I dont? Who the crap is going to have enough extra money to take care of them? Its not fair! Im 25, I shouldtnt have this on me. and better yet, its ALWAYS been this way when they screw up, Im the one that fixes it, Im the one they come to to cry on. Since I was 13 years old. 13. How is that ok?And I can never say anything about it. nothing. Mom will probably try to kill herself. again. im not sure what dad would do. OD? bvest case scenario, he grows m,ore distant. Am I a horrible son to almost want that? To just take care of myself for once.. This must be how Atlas feels. The entire freaking world on your shoulders. I shouldnt be this angry (or should I?). Family takes care of family. But if thats true, who takes care of me? It seems that I get the honor of standing on my own while helping everyone else.
sorry about this guys. I was so pissed I wanted to hit something, and pounding away at the keyboard seemed wiser than kicking a tree