Jul 18, 2007 10:33
Yesterday I went in to Barnes & Noble to get a copy of Let’s Go New York. They didn’t have it so I killed some time a browsed the Scifi/Fantasy section. I saw they had 1 copy of this new hardcover. It has 4 of Phillip K Dick’s novels from 60’s, including ‘Do Androids Dream Electric Sheep’. It is a really nice hardcover, not too big, good paper, and a nice typeface. I wanted it the last time I was in there so I picked it up. I’ve packed most of my books and I’ll know I’ll need it once I get to NYC. I picked it up and now I have that, HP Lovecraft At the Mountains of Madness, and Dan Simmons Ilium. That should keep me a bit. Though I do read fast so I’m sure I’ll be picking up something before I get my books.
I’m getting anxious for NYC.
My apartment is an obstacle course.
I still want a Let’s Go NY.