Jan 02, 2009 21:13
I'm currently watching "Swingers" which has got to be one of my top ten movies of all time. I don't know what's so appealing about it. It's obviously more of a "guy" movie, but I just love the cast and it's just a classic. I so would date Jon Favreau
So 2008 has been gone for two days and here's some highlights that I can remember from the year:
* The concerts I attended last year were all 80's groups/singers - Poison (though I ended up not going), the Regeneration Tour (Belinda Carlise, Human League, ABC), Janet Jackson, and finally, probably one of the greatest concert experiences EVAR, The New Kids on the Block!! This year so far, I'm on par with the year... Britney Spears in March.
* I only attended one wedding in 2008 and for once, I wasn't a part of it :)
* The trip to Las Vegas for President's Club. One of the best experiences of my life in so many levels.
* I believe the laptop I'm using right now was purchased in 2008 and it has been a joy to have (though now I'm wanting a desktop just 'cause)
* Two of my dear friends had their second child this year, right around each other in June and July. Another friend had her second one in December.
* Gas kicked my ass this year, which isn't a highlight but it was memorable. I was paying nearly $80 to fill up my almost empty tank. Now, it costs me less than $30
* The recession did stop me from trying to seriously take a trip to Europe; however, it did make me rethink where I wanted to spend my stimulus check as well what would be a life-changing event. And viola! The new addition to my family was born... Midori :) She has given me a new love of life and dogs in general. I even just signed up to volunteer at the local shelters.
2009 will be an interesting year, hopefully in a good way. I look forward to seeing what it brings...