Hellooooooooooooooooooo everyone!
Do you even remember me like am I even a real person????
For several reasons I have appeared before you again:
> College blogging is coming because I am not ready for college. Not. One. Bit.
> I have decided to change my major from engineering (though I'm sure I haven't mentioned this) to English.
> Because of the above, I also want to minor in creative writing; aka, I'm taking up writing again!
> I miss all of you dearly.
And so, please allow me to force myself back into your feed. ;u;
ALSO! If you have an instagram you are very very verrrrry welcome to follow me (and I shall follow you-- this sounds a bit stalkerish, does it not?)
@castellacake. If you're following me on @aquacorde, I have moved. And twitter is
I shall see all of you again soon. Once I get back into the hang of things!
(This is Courtney (or Ari) if you guys were wondering. AKA, masque, rezarick, etc. etc. etc.)