I think I watched the first 3 eps this season, but it may have been just the first two. My last was definitely the one where Bill has sex with his maker and ends up turning her head completely around. It was so gratuitous and laughable I couldn't take it. Plus... Sookie's character development [or the lack there of] and Tara's inability to not be somebody's puppet just aren't doing it for me either. The only reason I'm considering catching up is 'cause I miss Lafayette. :/
Ok so that continued past the first season? I was wondering if they ever gave her some kind of independence and sense of self. No dice? Glad I never got into it.
I only watched a few eps of the first season and I was just not at all impressed. I honestly never got why people liked it so much. It always seemed to me that people liked it 'cause it was about vampires and sex (two subjects I enjoy but True Blood didn't make them interesting enough for me). *shrugs* I agree with Roli, the only decent character is Lafayette. And I can't suffer through that sorry ass plot for a few scenes with him.
Ok so that continued past the first season? I was wondering if they ever gave her some kind of independence and sense of self. No dice? Glad I never got into it.
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