So I saw Inception tonight. Right off the bat let me tell you: it’s a great fucking movie. There are two things that keep it from being OMG The BEST MOVIE EVAR, but it’s certainly the best movie so far this year. What rubbed me wrong:
1. I like good pacing. The early parts of the movie lack it. DiCaprio and Page’s characters, specifically, agree to weird and/or dangerous shit way too easily for the sake of timing and plot. It’s understandable given that without them the story doesn’t progress, but it was still annoying… until midway through the flick when everything was awesome and I no longer cared.
2. I like endings. This movie has a decent ending… minus the fact that it leaves you wondering if the ending is actually “the ending.” I’m not talking about an open-ended hint at a sequel or anything, though given the Ocean’s 11-type feel of the plot and how it develops they seemingly could turn this into a franchise, if a decent reason is given why all their respective characters would ever be together again. I mean that the ending is open to interpretation, because of a plot point used to… leave it open to interpretation.
Writing reviews without spoilers is hard. :(
Whatever. If you’re going to go to the movies soon, watch Inception. It’s fucking great.
And when the van rolls over and the hallway fight scene begins: do not blink. Watch every second. That scene is BOSS.
Oh, and the above picture is the sweet swag I got in addition to winning the screening tickets.
A mini version of this poster, a shirt, two stacked cups and some propaganda stickers I suppose they’d like me to stick around the city to provide free advertising. I think I’ll just keep the shirt and the cups. :/
Two other small notes: 1. Yay for two people of color having decent screen time. 2. This movie does not pass
the Bechdel test.