(no subject)

Jul 06, 2007 21:09

I despise people who use internet memes in place of humor.  I wish them to be forcefully removed from the face of the earth - preferably with something sharp and painful.  But even more than that, I hold absolute contempt for people who justify this practice by saying "Oh, I'm not being serious!" or even worse "It's ironic."

You're not being ironic.  You're opting out from the conversation, and leaving in your place a straw puppet that we all know and hate.  It's operated with simple commands - anything even remotely close to a well-known meme will set it off (somewhat like a landmine).  And what is really depressing is when this eats a person out to such an extent that they are no longer capable of departing from their habit in any form of conversation.

At Buckingham palace
Though said without malice
"Shoop Woop" or "O rly?"
When tossed around freely
Is likely to earn the sharp end of a pike.
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