And the Winner of the Nebula Award (for best novel) is…

Jun 09, 2015 11:21

… Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer (the full results of the Nebulas can be found here).

Having read all six novels (and when I say all six, what I really mean is 5 and quarter because nothing in the universe was going to make me finish the dreadful Trial By Fire by Charles E Gannon), I have to say I’m very happy with this outcome.  Yes, I loved The Three Body Problem and the Goblin Emperor, but Annihilation is an extraordiary novel, which I squee about at length here.

I’ve yet to read the other two books in the Area X trilogy (though I intend to this month) and while they could be both awful (I doubt this very much), that won’t change my thoughts about Annihilation.  Frankly, it’s a crime against all that is good and wonderful about genre fiction that Kevin J Anderson’s unreadable The Dark Between The Stars or Jim Butcher’s by the numbers Dresden novel appear on the Hugo ballot and this book missed out.*

I will say more about the Nebula ballot once I’ve published reviews of all six books.  But at the moment I’m very pleased with the result.  Congrats to Jeff and all the other Nebula winners.


* Yes, I know it’s possible that even without the Anderson and the Butcher, Annihilation may still not have made it.  But my gut instincts tell me (loudly) that Sad and Rabid Puppies stopped VanderMeer from getting a Hugo nom.  Time will tell.

Mirrored from The Hysterical Hamster.

jim butcher, cixin liu, jeff vandermeer, kevin j. anderson, katherine addison, nebula awards, charles e. gannon

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