One of The Best Blogs of 2012

Jan 03, 2013 13:22

If I’m going to start posting regularly again, I should really go back to doing what I was doing before the hiatus - recommending blogs, fan writers, articles that I think inspire conversation through recommendations and opinion.

One of my favourite blogs of 2012 was The Angriest written by Grant Watson. Most of you who read this will either know Grant personally or have heard of him. But in short he’s an ex West Australian (now Victorian) fan whose spent a considerable number of years - either through fanzines, blogs or podcasts - providing the community with insightful fan comment. His interests range from Japanese cinema to comics to SF on TV to movies in general. And while I don’t always agree with Grant, as a fan writer and critic his insights never feel rehashed or reheated - they feel original to Grant and his world view.

Maybe it sounds like I’m pissing in his pocket (yes, it’s a shitty Aussie phrase) but Grant’s output for 2012 has been fantastic. In particular, his reviews of Babylon 5 and Enterprise and, my favourite, his weekly Pull List, a look at the comics he’s been reading over the week. Just there alone Grant has directed me to some fine comic series - especially those published by Image. (And at some point I’ll write about my favourite series).

So go have a look at The Angriest blog. And unlike me, leave a comment. Start a discussion. Grant is someone worth talking too.

Mirrored from The Hysterical Hamster.

the angriest, grant watson, fan writing

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