Episode 2 of I Love Lauren was so short I don't feel like saying anything about it. Except that well, I love Lauren, d'uh.
But episode 3 was much better and though my head is not a nice entity at the moment I'm forcing it to make a post.
So, more Lauren than Dyson in the whole episode. That was new. I'm really hoping this lasts longer than a couple of episodes. I like that they're taking their time with Bo and Lauren because it makes the relationship seem more real but isn't it about time for them to move on from the continuous eyesex to... at least touching, dammit?! And I mean more than Lauren caressing Bo's arm though that was quite nice.
Adorable Lauren *love*
"Well thank you, for helping."
Come ON! Just make out already!
I find it infinitely hilarious that they're eyesexing while the old lady is out cold like right there!
I loved the 'well shucks, doctor' moment, Lauren was so completely entranced by Bo and then looked all embarrassed when she realized what she was doing.
And who doesn't love Bo going all 'touch her and I will cut you'.
But I can't help but be a little disappointed of her attempt to see Lauren later. She should've done more just to make sure she's ok if nothing else.
Last but not least, someone mentioned this fine piece of art on Lauren's wall and of course I had to see for myself.