Pants, that's all I ever wanted

Aug 03, 2011 00:17

DC's September relaunch is nearing and I'm still mostly in denial about it. Probably because of the things that make me weep. Insignificant maybe but important to me.

I wanted a change in Wonder Woman's costume. When they gave her pants I was happy. Finally they had a chance, a real chance to make a good change. It's been there now for a year already. There won't be a better chance than this to change it permanently. They're changing a lot of costumes. They're changing stories. Why... why can't the pants just stay and become a part of WW that the new readers they so desperately seem to want will see as part of her from the beginning? Why? I don't understand... Ok, so guess I do, it's because nothing has really changed. The men still have full costumes, the women still wear as little as possible. That's how it's been and that's how it will be. It just makes me incredibly sad. That one insignificant matter of Wonder Woman's pants that could've been.

dc:wonder woman, comics

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