I can't begin to describe how good it feels to be finally getting some balance back in my life. I feel like a sane, grounded person again.
The last year and a half or so have been very rough. My relationship pretty much exploded the day before Emerald City Comic Con 2008 and we had been dealing (read: screaming fights) with that ever since. Things looked pretty bleak and at my sister's recommendation I started seeing a therapist, best decision I ever made. She has afforded me much insight into myself and the forces that have shaped my personality and behavior, which has allowed me to work past a lot of things and finally get to a point where I feel like I am living my life, rather than waiting for it to happen to me.
I've started back with school, I had skipped fall and winter quarters because my life was in such chaos that I just barely scraped through the previous two semesters, just finished the film and literature class I was taking, it was very enjoyable. Going back and forth with the idea of taking a class this summer, on one hand I'd like to be able to just enjoy the summer, on the other hand there is a 5 week sci-fi/fantasy literature class that is calling my name...
Had stopped writing, which was always a large part of my life. In August my hard drive died and I lost quite a bit of work, this paired with the problems I was having with Chris put a damper on any desire I had to write. I have finally started back at it, and writing has become a daily part of my life once again. I feel like I've become reconnected with a part of myself that was lost.
I'm thinking of starting up a blog (outside of LJ), I've been sitting on an entirely empty domain for over a year, but I just can't give it up and it would make good use of that wasted space.
Also, Windows 7 > Vista. But
Scrivener has me wishing that I'd just switched to a Mac in August when my hard drive died, though I am rather fond of the Vaio that I replaced my old clunky Acer with.