It was close to 70°F here today, after a chilly start of 36°. I was able to finish polyurethaning the vanity panel, and we had grilled burgers and hot dogs for dinner.
I installed the new baseboard heat cover. I found a few more holidays after positioning the unit, and had to take it off and repair these first. While these dried is when I polyed.
The panel. This will get installed sometime in the next few days.
When the paint was dry in the bathroom I put the heater cover in place.
Not the best shot- the cover is shown in front of the old baseboard backing. The heater was another casualty of the toilet tank condensation, and my neglecting to maintain it properly.
I love these
covers. They are semi-gloss powder coat painted on galvanized steel. Pricey, but time saving and worry free as I didn’t have to tear out the original backing and install new pieces around the actual finned heating pipes.
Sunday will be another warm day: great for caulking!
Haggis- finally something these two wouldn’t eat. From Scooby-Doo and the Loch Ness Monster.