Three things.
I’d seen one of these spiders out in the garden a week or two ago, but wasn’t sure what to make of it. I saw this one yesterday, and carefully moved her web out of my path and reconnected it to a different branch. Today I saw this web in the exact place as yesterday, took a pic, and I let it stay across the path. Google lens led me
here. An odd looking little spider with spines all over its back.
I found this further along on my walk today. I assumed it was a gall, but it was soft and squishy. It’s an acorn plum gall! Er, I never saw one before. All the galls I’ve seen were brown, crunchy things. No, not for eating.
Finally, this rather rude meme from Imgur-
I dl’d this in July, thinking it mildly funny but not really understanding the source. Today I looked it up. It’s from a nursery rhyme. Here’s a
long explanation, for others, like me, who did not know this :o)
Slow day. Moved the vehicles back onto the driveway as it has been four days and it should be cured enough. Baked a coffee cake. Entertained the pup. Took that walk and took those pics. Skimmed the pool, only… (68°F water temp, 53°F overnight air temp). Watched some Sherlock on Hulu.
*yawn* That kind of day.
One more-
Watched this channel some more. That platform gets knocked down at least once a day!