I was searching through a couple of my early aughts paper journals this evening, trying, unsuccessfully, to locate a drawing I had done: more specifically, a memory. No luck. These journals were a mix of writings and musings, many illustrated with drawings or just little vignettes.
I did come across a couple of favorites which amounted to little book reviews or quoted snippets: memories to look back upon. Expandable.
I loved the drawings in this book and tried to capture a couple around my text. Garth Williams illustrated so many children’s books so well.
I was pleased with how this bunny came out. He’s from the quoted book, from the partially transcribed poem (it continues onto another page with the second bunny, barely visible through this page…) and drawn by celebrated either of author/illustrators Maude or Miska Petersham.
This little vignette is all mine :o) The journals abound with these, just as my posts here have pics with them. The text was my musing over what I saw as flaws in Watership Down.
Time, time, time…
Addendum- See what I found online!
From the fineartamerica website.
And this!
From artnet.