Roller-coaster continues...

Mar 19, 2013 11:34

Well, a Fred update.  He has been improving bit by bit, very little to report just baby steps, right up until last night where he had a major roller-coaster episode.  He had managed to get several tubes out, and didn't need the ventilator until last night he did desperately.   And so he's taken a step backwards, but is stable this morning, and the doctor seemed to feel that we could look forward to making more baby steps forward if we get through the end of the day with no more loop-de-loops.

So stable is good but lots of prayers to figure out what started the roller-coaster episode and back to improving.

Of course just to keep things exciting my kids are entertaining the latest and best crud going through school, and it's been snowing very determinedly since yesterday afternoon.  :-P Bleah... thank goodness it's March snow and therefore has only managed to build up 4-6 inches or so so far.   If this were January snow I'd be over my knees in it.

Thanks everyone!
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