May 09, 2004 12:50
So Friday was prom.. here's how my day went...
Woke up, took a really good shower blow dried my hair and straightend it. Went to school.
When school got out I went to Micheal's and sat in the waiting room for an hour. Then I was told that I was in the wrong place. Then I went to the OTHER building and sat there. Then this girl comes out and tells me that she's doing my hair! GREAT! So I go and sit in the chair and she asks me what I want. I told her to go crazy and have fun. Well...she went crazy all right. She took out all my bangs and then did a five-strand french braid then curled my bangs in bananna curls and it looked really bad. So anyway to make a long story short, this other student was discusted by my hair and wouldn't let me go to prom looking like that so she redid my hair and it looked so much better.
So then I went home, got dressed up and whatever, discovered that I threw away one pair of earrings...(I wasn't too happy) then went over Jay's house. We took pictures (which came out awesome). Then we left. When we got to the Centre, I discovered that I forgot the bids at my house. -Yeah, so then Ms.McGorry told us that we can go right in and that Mrs.Holmes would tell us what table we were at. So We did and we had an awesome night! It was so amazing to spend that with Jason.
We danced a lot and when we slow danced, it was like nothing else was there but us and the music. I loved it.
THEN!!! I met this girl Amanda. When I lived in Hooksett, I always played with this girl named Amanda. I never really kept in touch with her until I "remet" her on Friday night!! It is so weird because we were in the same chorus for the longest time and it never occured to us that we used to be best friends! So I'm really glad that I saw her!
Last night I went to Maggie's Sweet 18th Birthday Party!! We had sooo much fun!! It was so great. I'm so glad I saw Maggie again. We talked a lot about work and how Connie fell down the stairs (HAHAHAHAHA!!!!) and how they are so desprate to hire people that they are hiring 14 year-olds!!! hahahahaha!!!
They suck.
Anyway... I have play practice tonight and I'm wicked I'm gonna go take a little nappy!!