Aug 18, 2010 03:00
This post brought to you by the 3am distraction committee.
The last few days have given way to a few simple questions regarding the functionality of alarm clocks. The most imposing of these things being: “what the hell is the practical purpose of the 'snooze' button?” So far, my usage of them has been to give myself access to the magical 'five more minutes' a time period which, no matter how many you take, always makes you late. In fact, knowing this, I have taken to using as many 'five more minutes' as I feel like, knowing it does not really matter at all in the slightest, because I will invariably use more than I can afford. What these 'five more minutes' are in practicality is a time period which you sleep through, and the time it takes to hit the snooze button does not detract from the total time actually slept, even if the time it takes to hit the snooze button includes navigating piles of clothes and other things to get across the room to where the alarm clock actually is.
In other words, I've been setting an alarm, to have it go off, and then for me to hit the snooze button as many times as it takes for the alarm clock to stop trying to wake me up, or until I've had a full nights sleep.
Even more simply put, the snooze button makes the entire device ineffective.
On the other side of things though, an alarm that goes off once and once only makes no difference to me either, because once it's gone off I just go back to sleep. It's really just a little extra annoyance.
So, snooze button, what is your point? Because all you do is make the alarm more annoying, don't add to its effectiveness, and make me feel more guilty when I finally do wake up an realise I've slept through about 20-25 occurrences of the same alarm noise. There's nothing good about you, so why did we add you to our alarm clocks?