Version 2.0
The four buttons along the top change all the pictures within the cells, using four versions of the page with different images specified. Click the first button and it displays table 1 with one set of pictures and hides tables 2-4, click button 3 and it shows table 3 with tables 1, 2 and 4 hidden. The problem is that it means in the html file there are four sets of my bookmark links, which means to add a new bookmark I have to add the new link in four places instead of just one. What I need to do is have the bookmark links separate and have the tables call the bookmark links into it, rather than having them built into each table. I do not know how to do this yet. This is done with javascript.
Each cell holds a section of my bookmarks, with at most 6 buttons before the cell expands and breaks the background images for that row, so in order to have more than 6 buttons in a cell I've split them into groups of 3-4 and hidden them all, and used javascript to create buttons that unhide them when you click, and hide them again when you click again. I'm sort of happy with this, the code works, but if you unhide one group in one place, it takes two clicks to unhide a group in a different place if you don't hide the first group beforehand. I'd also like to fix the cell size so that it doesn't expand the cell if you open 2 groups or more in the same cell.
Working towards my underachiever award for the year, strongly and surely.