Jan 01, 2016 21:12
it's been a while since i've written.
getting really scared to do new year resolutions because i know i can't really accomplish it.
change is inevitable. is there anyone who still regularly updates? it's like there are so many things to update that i can't really figure out where to start so i don't even do it at all in the first place.
i feel like i'm losing track of myself as i get older. i used to believe in myself so much more than i currently do. things haven't been going as well as i would like them to but hey, that's life for you.
i don't really know what's the whole point of this post. guess it's more like i suddenly remembered i still have a blog lol.
have been making nama chocolates for the past 1-2 weeks. rum, lavender and wedding tea flavoured. generally positive reviews, that's a win for me.
have been trying to pack my room to make more space. think 18 years of hoarding and then having to clear everything out. yeah, fun isn't it. i'm particularly sentimental, which somehow leads to me not having the heart to throw things out due to the sentimental value they hold.
i really miss perth. miss going out for a late night movie at 11am and come out with chattering teeth as we walk in the cold to the car.
really miss 2012 when everything was well and normal.
i'd give anything to go back to that time when all you needed was a little room by yourself, 10 minute walk to school, saturday laundry and grocery shopping, late night movies, booze, kebabs and cold winter nights.