Nov 27, 2006 00:43
im bored, sick, and lonely..just trying to kill time
1. Where's the closest hoodie to you right now?
dining room
2. What restaurant do you think has the Best French Fries?
i dont know applebees are good
3. When's the last time you played the board game Clue?
along along time
4. Do you play two or more sports?
um i dont play any..sad face lol
5. Would you get back together with any of your exes?:
hhheeccckkkk no
6. Who did you last yell at?:
my mom about 2 seconds ago
7. Do you think you could live without your cell phone?:
probably...but the more i think about it probably not
8. Where is your dad right now?:
In the living room
9. What's your mom's name?:
10. How many people do you know named Adam?:
i dont know like 10
11: How about Jessica's?:
i dont know like 10
12. Do you do your homework in other classes?:
13. Are you friends with any cheerleaders?:
we dont have cheerleaders
14. Would you say you've matured since middle school?:
of course
15. What was the last food you burnt?
16. Admit it, have you ever gone on a date with someone for their looks?
o sure..chads hot
17. Who was the last person you texted?:
18. Who the last person you added on MySpace?:
19. What was th last picture you took?:
probably something of chad
20. If you could move anywhere, and take anyone with you. Where and who?:
21. Number of texts a day?:
zippo i dont like it anymore
22. Is your computer slow right now?:
no i dont think so
23. What's the best thing about your job?:
um...just being with the kids they make me smile
24. Have you seen your best friend naked?:
yeah..chad all the time lol...and surprisingly ive seen ALLL of heather lol
25. Have you ever been in the hospital?:
26. Tanlines: Love or hate 'em?:
i like them because then i know im getting tan but i hate how they look
27. Would you date someone that none of your friends like?: would be really hard though friends mean alot to me
28. Does your phone have to be charged every day?:
No i havent charged it in awhike
29. When is the last time you held hands with someone?
yesterday with my boo
30. If you woke up as the opposite gender, what's the 1st thing you would do?
pee while would be weird..or maybe run..that could be weird to
31. Who did you last hug?
My chad
32. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes i used to at my old house all the time...we always got locked out
33. Where is your mom?
On the chair reading
34. Morning or night person?
um..actually im a good morning person but it depends because sometimes im a night person to
35. What was the last movie you watched?
mrs doubtfire
36. Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
yes..dont tell anyone
37. Any cool scars?
i have 3 nasty ones..the doctor sucked!! i have scars from my sun burn to
38. Things about the opposite sex you notice first?
personality...cute butt
39. What is your curfew?
um..usually around 1 but it doesnt really matter
40. Would you ever dye your hair red?
strawberry blonde maybe.....
41. Last text says:
i dont know
42. What career would you wish to be in?:
i dont know....
43. Which country would you like to visit?
44. Do you want a well-paying job or a job you enjoy?
it depends if it sucks and it pays big bucks im sure i would keep it
45. What did you wear today?
same thing i wore sick give me a break
46. When were you last on the phone?
i talked to my grandma an hour ago
47. What were the shoes you wore today?
48. Do you like math?
its not bad
49. How about history?
sucks big time
50. Have you ever seen 5 squirrels at one time?
yes traverse city is crawling with them
51. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
52. Do you like hugs?
of course
53. Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth?
54. Would you date a person with hair longer than yours?
no gross just cut the dang stuff
55. Do you want to be famous?
it doesnt matter