(no subject)

Aug 24, 2006 21:01

im addicted to these things...o well..im bored and tired..why not...

1.Your full name?laura ann

2.Your hometown?h town

3.Age? 17

Now for something different and completely random...

4.When you..'re having a bad day, what comfort food do you reach for?gobstoppers always make me happy

5.Do you have an item that is your good luck charm?no, maybe my ring because i always wear it
If so, what is it?oops already answered it

6.Your favorite thing about your job (or school)?work..being with the kids..school..friends

7.Least favorite thing about your job (or school)?sometimes being with 4 yr olds all day gets annoying

8.Does global warming and the hole in the ozone truly bother you?um..no

9.Do you have a "funny" toenail?i dont think so..

10.How many times have you moved in your lifetime?just once

11.Do you watch professional wrestling and is it real?does UFC count?? but wwe..no i hate it..its not real!!

12.What's your favorite thing to microwave?um... i hate warm things so..nothing

13.Could Pop-Tarts survive a nuclear attack?what?

14.Does anyone know where the UP (Upper Peninsula) is?daaa..who doesnt!!

15.What's the regular unleaded gas price where you are?last i checked it was $2.75..what a bargain!!

16.Do you know someone who's been injured in Iraq?known of someone....brayden..it better not happen to you!!!

17.Do you remember what a Puff-A-Lump is?A PUFF A WHAT?

18.Least favorite TV show?stupid shows like next

19.Favorite canned soup?i hate soup but maybe vegetable

20.How far does your belly button stick out or sink in?um normal i suppose

21.Do you have a particular coffee mug you drink from?nope dont drink coffee

22.What does that mug say/have on it?.....nothing

23.Your take on declawing cats?doesnt care but i feel bad when they try to scratch...poor gizmo!!

24.Do have smoke detectors in your home?isnt that like a law or something

25.Would it be easy to erase YOUR identity?..???what??? this is confusing

26.Do you know anyone named Sam?yep my cousin

27.How many drawers do you have in your room/office?6??

28.What was your favorite snuggle toy when you were a child?my favorite blanket

Great! A few firsts then...

29.What was your first pet and their name?black cat name snowflake...dont ask..lol

30.When your mind wanders, where does it go first?i usually am thinking about chad or something im excited about

31.Your first knick-knack (item you placed in your room/house)?maybe my jan hagara dolls

32.First "real" peice of jewlery? (This goes for the guys too)my tiffanys ring thanks to my baby

33.What did you do on your first date?went and saw the longest yard

34.Who was your first best friend?sarah

35.When did you first realize that life isn't easy and fun?never!

And lastly...

36.The last thing you thought about before you fell asleep last night?how i didnt want to wake up and how i was worried about chad

37.Your last argument?um..i dont know we dont really fight

38.Your last words to someone...?good night sweet dreams i love you

39.The last place you'd go?i dont understand

40.The last thing you'd find yourself wearing? something nice i guess

41.What will be the last thing that you do today?go online and then go to bed
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