.... Okay, to summarize,
I was inspired, suddenly...
... and now I want to write some huge long FF:X AU, where Rikku's working at a garage as a mechanic and she has a thing for older men, so she tends to flirt with the customers, and Auron has to have his car fixed and when Rikku sees him, she finds him SO INCREDIBLY HOT that she decides that she's gonna win him over, and it'd be like, the cutest little May/December AU evar~!! ^^~ And of course she learned everything about mechanic work from her dad, but I dunno if she works at Cid's shop or not, 'cause I dunno that he'd appreciate her hitting on middle-aged men...
And it'd be an excuse to fangirl Brother, too. (No, I swear he'd be a minor character, but a cool minor character.) Of course, he'd need a real name, too, but nobody would ever call him that, 'cause since Rikku was little she only ever called him "Brother," and for some reason, everyone else started doing it, too... and, and...
And Auron, he'd be like, a freelance bodyguard, 'cause let's face it, that's what he does. Like, he'd take odd jobs from mobs or something, but he'd like, NEVER use his gun, 'cause he's just too cool for it. He'd be all muscle and logic, like, almost jedi. And while a sword may be a bit too conspicuous in a modern setting, he could TOTALLY have a switchblade or a hunting knife or even just a dagger hidden somewhere on his person.
And I think I'd have to have Yuna. I dunno what she'd be, though - a studious college girl who's set on making it to a big school? Like, a top-knotch. What do you call those colleges, like Yale and Harvard? =/ I think the religious path, like wanting to be a nun, would be too easy. And it would be too hard for Tidus to corrupt little Yuna the nun. Or too obnoxious, or...
And, and... Wakka and Lulu would be like, Yuna's neighbors growing up, and she'd go off and stay with one of them when her mom and dad were gone... making her an orphan... and Wakka'd be such a jock, working for an athletic scholarship, and Lulu would be a goth chick, but definitely not an emo chick. And I dunno if Chappu's even worth mentioning in my little AU...
And there's no Kimhari. He sucks. Unless he's like, a dog. 'Cause Yuna would totally have a big black lab and name it Kimhari. And it'd be adorable.
Ummmm.... also, Tidus is an asshat, and I hate him. But he'd be like, signed onto a professional sports team straight out of high school... 'cause he god-modes... p0s3r.
So, um, basically, I have mental images like the one in that fanart, and I really like the idea of such a drastic May/December romance story between Auron and Rikku. =3 And I totally don't know what I haven't said, here, so I'm gonna quit ranting for the night and try to get some ficcage done.