Fandom: Avatar: the Last Airbender [ Jhao Lieu x Zong Lieu ]
Title: Attraction
mondaisenshiWord count: 100
Rating: K+ // PG-13 - Slight mature content, but huge taboo (incest), and lots of it, not to mention male homosexuality, but I think that pales in comparison.
Challenge: #83 - Power
Notes: It's based on my twins, my OCs, Jhao Lieu and Zong Lieu, identical twin boys of Zuko and Azula. If you're interested, there's more info on them (
here ), as well as a couple links to ficlets based on them.
Zong Lieu's hands held his brother's face delicately, yet still forcefully. He was perched on his knees above Jhao Lieu who, in return, gripped the older twin on either side of his ribs. The heat from Jhao's palms, calloused by years of Firebending, easily soaked through the heavy fabric of the Fire Nation robes that the two had been practicing in, though they were now attatched at the lips. Jhao, long referred to by his mother as the first born, promised the throne, is drawn to his brother's kindness and beauty. Zong, not interested in the throne, to the power.