On the subject of the Avatar finale...
"Yay, family reunion = happiness! ZOMG, I know something about the chakras, already! I miss Emo-Zuko. Ow, ow, Hakoda's as big a dork as Sokka, maybe more. Shit, we're up one Sue power. Damn it, Toph. Ooh, Aang glows, I saw that on a T-shirt. I really miss Emo-Zuzu. Yay, Uncle's tea obsession serves a purpose! Yaay, Toph and Uncle are 'old friends!' ZOMG, you whore, don't heal his scar! .... OMG, Zuko's gonna be the NEW JET! OMG, yay, he's not gonna be de-disfigured, after all! Yay, firebender backup! You whore, back up the OTHER side! Family reunion! Gimmie hot Zucest smex! Awww, poor heroic Uncle's been double-crossed just as he was in the clear with Zuzu.
... Zuko, if you're not gonna sleep with her, get the hell out of my sight, you double-crossing bastard."
On the subject of Kingdom Hearts II...
Okay, so, now that I've a slightly better understanding, having played through once, and now that I'm paying more attention... I absolutely love Demyx. I think it's a nice splicing of how laid-back he is, his compassion, hey, I can see it, why can't you?! his fighting style... though he's a pain in the ass, on proud mode, in Hallow Bastion Honestly, now, though, he's adorable! I just want to like, glomp him and... stuff...
Anyway, as I was saying. Okay, so I was in Twilight Town, ya?, and I was listening to Seifer talk, and I recognized his voice! Sadly, the only guess I could come up with was that he sounded alot like Squall, but... well, that's just not true. So, I looked him up, and the voice I had in my mind that I couldn't place was...? Terry McGinnis, Batman Beyond. Also, for the record, Eric Matthews, from Boy Meets World. And.... somehow, also Ron Stoppable from... you honestly need me to spell it out...? Kim Possible.
But god, I love the cutscenes from this game. It's so easy to misinterpret like, EVERYTHING. ;D Sephiroth was turning Cloud's previous comments into flirtations. And he was flirting back. And I barely have to stretch this at all. >=3
ZOMG, I'm almost at the thousand-heartless fight, though, god I LOVED that fight~!!!
On a more personal topic...
Okay, so, I have to get the ficathon done, right? Well, the storyline was easy to get down, and I love it, and it'll make such a nice story... except that I'm having a really hard time making it work... keeping people in character... and I don't know why. T_T Damn them.
And to change the subject at hand again, (it's 1:30 in the morning, what do you want from me, focus?! You're not gonna GET it!) it snowed tonight... A decent amount of snow, too. I mean, not enough to make snowballs, last I checked, but it definitely was sticking, and that's not a bad first snow of the season. I mean, for crying out loud, it's like, already December, and we're just now getting our first real snowfall?! Huzzah! Keep up the good work, New York!
Now, considering my posture and all that shit, the way I'm typing right now is really gonna give me Carpal Tunnel or whatever the hell, so I'm out for the night. I figure my next update will actually be about me, less information and a bit more ranting.