Mar 08, 2012 18:58
I found my gun. Oh god, I missed her, oh god she's USELESS FOR AN INFILTRATOR, but I missed her oh I missed her so it's just so good to see her again if I was any other class other than pure engineer I would have her in my hands now and even as an inf I just want to throw myself on her and hold her and cry tears of joy as we reminisce and catch up and I whisper sweet nothings to her and oh, lord, how I missed this gun I didn't even KNOW how much I missed her until I saw her name and was drooling before I could process what I'd read!
*deep breath*
You guys, I'm happy now. And I've a better idea of my priorities on the next go 'round, too...
... god, can't stop thinking about her... Dirty, dirty thoughts... Must be how [REDACTED] felt after seeing [REDACTED] for the first time, here...
mass effect