Oct 13, 2005 03:00
ok heres the story, this is aj best friend and he got a little happy with the text messages last night. omg this was a blast, and to think he though he could hurt me haa what a joke, hes a joke. so enjoy the readign material
Brad: stupid stalkin me and aj that fits the word perfect, love brad
( i would never waste my time stalkin him id rahter die)
Me:Shut the fuck up brad u dont have ne thing worth listening to
Brad : I am rubber you are glue so shut the fuck up bitch and fuck you too
(real mature huh)
Me: Ha ha that was good for a laugh
Brad: pft pft pft
*(what the fuck is that really a come back? haha)
Me: Brad u are and always wll be nothing but a loser U better get used to it
Brad: Better to be a loser than a cutter and a stalker
(yep bcz i fit the category anymore)
Me:You are fucking stupid,, stupid (mocking his stupidity and immaturity)
Me: I hear you want to give em a piece of ur mind, Brad what do you have to say?
(hes been saying for months he wants to do that but never does hence the takling too much shit)
Brad: yea i do bitch, but truly it would be such a waste of time to tell you because you are a crazy psycho bitch, im not ne thing anyways remember
(true u are really nothing at all im surprised ur alive)
Me: I dont stalk, and ur never going to be nething and cutting is no problem with me
Brad:You dont mean shit to me or what you say you have no effect on me just quit being a bitch and get a life
(ur making urself my life right now and thanks what a good stress relief)
Me: u know ur right ur nothing but a drug addict and im sure u and ur family and friends are so proud of u. i wud be i would be if i had nothing i just think u talk too much shit
Brad: Did you get the message dumbass
Me: u know what brad i thinkim gettin to you haha
Brad: if thats all you have on me then big deal at least i canfix my problems im not stuck in a pity pot dumb bitch
Me: ya but ur still playing arent you? obviously you dont even get ur own message
(dont u get the message ur saying the same thing u think ud at least get it)
Me: y dont u just go into a diabetic seizure and do us all a favor?
Brad: Well y dont u gain a few pounds and cut yourself up and we'll have a party
(i must be stupid bcz if that was an insult no one got it)
Me: ok. sure if thats all u got then i feel sorry for you cuz everyone already knows that.
Me: that makes no sense at all
Brad: It makes perfect sense, too stupid to figure it out i guess
Me: PLus i already did. so go do some coke and maybe ull finally be content
Me: ok. i guess i MUST be stupid i actually thought u ahd changedbut u know what u have proven urself once again a loser
( i and everyone else was wasting their time hoping)
Brad: Yep and again im very proud of myself thanks
Me:o ur always good for a laugh haha
Me: im sure u really are proud... u actually graduated something brad REHAB
Brad: Technically i didnt, least i dont need as much help as you, low life cunt
(wow didnt even graduate rehab)
Me: o u didnt? haha u have never completed ne thing and i know i need help so what?
Brad: well they knew i was ready so its cool
Me: but ur not and u know that. so u fucked urself over again
Brad: Maybe you should be my counselor
(ya if u want counseling into suicide, then call me not and i help)
Me: i dont like you so y would i? id rather see u kill urself!
Brad: Hope you cut urself too deep tonight bitch
(o i tried sooooo hard to, really no i mean it im not lying, no seroiusly y doesnt anyone believe me o bcz i am brad and cant tell anything sincere)
Me: il do it just for u baby!
Brad: Yea its like xmas
(isnt that like in december?)
Me: if i can do ne thing else for you just let me know... ill be ur santa. just one thing, ur not good enough to die for. or i would
Me: Sorry to let you down but ur used to it huh. ur life is nothing but a huge letdown
Me: awww cant think of ne more insults? figures
Brad: Nope you just dont mean shit
(that sounds familular)
Me: didnt i already say that to u? come on bradbe original. u can try harder than that.wait... thats giving u too much credit. i should have said im impressed
Me: poor bwad. doethent have ne thhhing elth 2 thay (making fun of his lisp haha) aww we got to u haha
(seriously i almosed pissed myself at that one..brad put ur eyebrow DOWN!)
Brad: (crickets chirping)