Oct 11, 2005 20:41
Yes, axxith and losksiegex are now FROZEN =D I knew this day would come B)
It's SO awesome :D The 2 people I loath, now frozen. Look at them, trying to struggle to get their accounts back, IT'S HILARIOUS XD I remember when I tried to do that, but then I gained my senses and knew that TNT didn't give a fuck about me or my account, so I stopped. The same will happen with losksiegex and axxith :) OH THIS IS SWEET =D
Man, I am like, useless in P.E. -___- I can't really play good =/ This SO sucks. We did some basketball drills, etc. I pretty much suck ;-; I'll try better on Thursday since I don't have it tomorrow on block day.
I am not doing good with the currents friends I have on the bus and at lunch. I dunno, I can't talk right or they kind of like "what the hell" or "ok..." so yea =/ It SUCKS T.T
Yay, the book report due Friday is an easy one xd I kind of just noticed that :P I'll finish it tonight ^.^
I pwn people's asses o.o;; but Britney Spears pwns more asses than me ;o -bows down to her-
Omg, I just remembered that two girls (it was in the E-True Hollywood Story of Britney Spears last Sunday) and they were SOBBING to meet Britney Spears. It was like at a big store where her 4th album (In the Zone) was gonna be released first, then of course, Wal-marts and targets, etc. started to sell them. Well, Britney Spears was there to sign and everything. Britney Spears isn't a bitch like you all think. She is actually a nice girl. Yes, she is better looking than you, and yes, she still looked better than you when she was pregnant. Anyways, these girls were like SOBBING to meet Britney Spears. I was like, ok....o___O;; Even I wouldn't be like that xD I'd be like "Omg, britney spears, like, autograph, please! xD"
Post who your gonna be for halloween ;o XD Nah, you don't have to...but you know...XD
I'm gonna be Britney Spears for holloween =OB