I Miss boardin_devil =(

Aug 25, 2005 11:07

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We will be looking into your situation shortly. Because our automated system tells you the reason you were frozen as soon as you try to log into your account, if it is obvious that you DID break the rules, do not expect a personalized reply. If you were the victim of a scam and someone else got into your account and got it frozen, please be patient as we investigate your situation. Because account loss is beyond our control, we cannot guarantee that your account will be returned to you, but we will investigate and do our best to help you. Unfortunately, lost items and Neopoints cannot be returned. We reply to these e-mails in the order in which they are received, so please do not submit more than one form for the same situation. Sending multiple e-mails only slows things down. Thank you!

I've sent a form in....hopefully I can get boardin_devil back =( I had 158 avatars on it to...I'd have like 180 avatars, seeing as there's a TON of new clickables now a days e.e I still need Niptor, clay kiko, etc. XD I would also have connections to some avatar pets/petpets if I need it :P but damn e.e;; I miss it so much :( I had the neoquest 2 avatars...4 awesome pets, I fed 75 kadoaties XD I mean, I would make that account SO much better o.o damn, it had the lenny avatar, mootix, number six + mspp xD Go here if you want to see all the avatars I had on boardin_devil:


Ok...well...-does some claculations- Since boardin_devil has 158 avatars now and if I did get it back...assuming I get all the clickables, I would have
210 avatars :o
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