
Sep 28, 2005 05:21

happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear mona....
yeah whatever. I'll stop singing now.

I've been up since 4:15 so we can catch a 6:55 we can head HOME. It'll be nice. I like travelling, but being back home is always such a relief, in a way; such a less stressful situation.
Although I have a nice large chunk of hw due on Friday, so it'll be a bit stressful. But not in the same way.

And I've used this time on field trip to do a lot of thinking about what I want in my life as far as balancing studio, relationship, and friendships. I think I'm a little closer to knowing how much of any one of those is too much, which is a good step, I suppose. Basically, I don't have time for any relationship, have limited time for friends (mostly b/c just studio would drive me crazy), and a lot of time dedicated to studio and school, whether I want to or not. I hate it, but I guess I can deal for a year with having no life. It's not like in a good year I have much of one, but (as I've mentioned before), this year I have none, and it's getting me depressed. Hence the decision that I need to sped time with friends more often, regardless of hw, just to keep my sanity through human conatact with people I actually enjoy.

But for now, I'm ridiculously sleep deprived for how much sleep I've gotten here, which means that it's piled up from all semester. That's scary. I can't keep shortchanging myself on sleep, even when it's just 5-6 hour nights for weeks on end, and especially when it's consecutive all-nighters.
SO that's my plan for this weekend. sleep and friends.
and from now on, a slightly revised attitude to overacheiving (or acheiving at all) in class.
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