
Mar 02, 2008 00:20

So I got this phone call a few hours ago, right? Some lady on the other end all 'Here's a call for you from prison, will you accept the charges?' and I'm all 'what the hell?' but I answer it anyways because it could have been like, King Gorilla and I owe him a favor so I was all 'Fine, whatever'.

Only it turns out it was fucking Technoia! He's this scrawny, deep-eye-socketed supervillain with a computer sort of theme I met back wehn I was just starting out. Guy folowed me fucking everywhere because I guess he thought we were friends or something, I don't know. I mean I guess he was all right. Kind of a douchebag, though.

But so anyways one day he just up and disappeared on me, never saw him again. I didn't look into it any because I didn't care. Yeah, turns out? He's been in prison for the lsat eighteen years because one of his 'Techno Rays' blasted a police officer into a thin cloud of free-floating particles.

He tells me this, and he gets to sying that he's getting out tomorrow and he like, wanted to tell his friends (I'll correct him on that later I guess) about it. So he's going on about getting out, yadda yada yadda, and then he mentions that he's already got a superhero waiting for him on the outside. Some guy with a Tornado or Tsuanmi or whatever theme... something generic and weather related, I don't know. But like... they met through some Guild program or whatever. Been in communciation and making threats and he's been plotting his demise, and he's going on about how great it all is and how happy he is and I'm just like... like what the hell, man? You know?

I don't know what to fucking think. If you met this guy you'd knwo what I mean, I mean, I mean... i mean he's a pussy! He's just this little kid in spandex and he's already got this fucking great arch and it's jus TOTALLY NOT FAIR! I-- look at me! I'm way more into villainy than he is, I've put fucking years of work and I study my enemeis and come up with GREAT plots and it's just.......

.......I don't even have anyone. .........................Okay, okay, so I have this whole fucking book, A WHOLE FUCKING BOoK just BRIMMING with plots I havn't tried out yet and I have no one to use them on. I'm... I'm a failure! Ooh, look at The Monarch, what an imaginative villain with no fucking arch of his own. Whhooooooooooo. I can't even TOUCH the only fucking guys I hate and respect enough to be my arches! And now my wife's gone and got her own totally cool lair and hiring minions and the word going around says she's already got people lining up to hate her and she's just going to be AWESOME and I'm just... going to be here. In the Cocoon. Carrying out little plots here and there that arent' even aimed at anyone, just like, like little villainous grenades I'm lobbing with my eyes shut. Piss off the government some, piss off some corporatios and like, coffee shops but..... no one who matters.


Holy crap this sucks.

failure, bored, drinking

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