Aug 27, 2005 22:02
Part I/Critique
Games are too powerful to be regarded as merely entertainment
Games have the potential to change society
Current games obsessed with supremacy are only one amongst many possible forms of game experience
Part II/The Nature of the Game
Games should be regarded as an opportunity to inspire our realities
Games represent a form of reality
Playing games is a creative activity
Playing games frees human awareness from the everyday
Games are a form of ritual
Games are art
The game player, by playing, completes the piece
Games are a form of magic
The Game is the Great Work
Part III/Praxis
Our games will not be dictated by the market
Our games will be art
Our games will break boundaries
We will introduce gameplay as a virus into the concept of story
We will use the reuse the shadow ideologies of history as a catalyst for new visions
We will not be limited to articulations within a dogmatic language
We are architects of the third place
We will celebrate the universal dialectic of the binary code
We will be shamans of the post-human age
We will walk the path of the trickster