Title: This is the KAVKI Danshin
Fandom: Miyavi, The GazettE
Pairing: RukiAoiReita, UruhaKai, hinted MiyaviOC
Word Count: 2392
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Miyavi and The GazettE, sort of together on an American tour? It's almost too good to be true.
A/N: This isn't finished. I don't if it will ever be finished. Cross your fingers and hope for the best?
The excitement of the concerts ahead were pumping through his veins, acting almost as a drug as he fidgeted in his make up chair, torturing the poor girl that had the unfavorable job of decorting his face up while at the same time NOT poking him in the eye with her brushes and pencils.
"Mr. Ishihara, could you please sit still?"
The make up artist had no idea what he was talking about, so while he was still for the moment she quickly swiped the black eyeliner pencil along his bottom eyelid. He blinked the moment she finished.
"I'm Miyavi. Japanese samurai guitarist!"
He stood from his chair and strummed an air guitar to prove his point. The make up artist leaned forward and brushed glitter against his eyelid while he was distracted again. He quickly sat down, fingers tapping out some song as the make up artist was finally allowed to work on his make up, readying him for the photo shoot that would promote his American tour.
"I don't know why we have to take a bus like this to the airport instead of a van like normal," Aoi comments as he kicks his feet up on the couch of the tour bus, stealing the only possible 'good seat' with a 'view'.
Kai and Uruha slid into the booth-table set up near the front, away from the strange comments he and Reita passed back and forth- mostly about the weather in New England (and why was it even called "New" England in the first place, wasn't the tecnhically "old" England just called Britain now anyway?) and the ever present question of why Ruki had suddenly decided to accept a tour offer in America.
Kai hadn't really questioned it. It seemed pretty cool (Really, the name of the tour was "Warped Tour" and maybe that was what had drawn Ruki's attention, because Kai found himself whispering it to himself in a sing song voice even now) and it was a good oppurtinity for Ruki to get over his fears once and for all.
They were irrational anyway. Or maybe that was just Kai. After all, he hadn't gotten afraid like Ruki and Reita. Though he wasn't sure why Reita was afraid, the whole letter had been addressed to Ruki. But maybe Kai was missing something, even if he was the one that often herded everyone together for a meal he cooked, and made sure they all brushed their teeths before bed.
"Uruha, why do you think Ruki wanted to go to America now?" Kai questioned, looking across the table at Uruha, who was lighting a cigarette.
He held it between two fingers, reaching his other hand out to grab the bottle of sake that seemed to just appear out of nowhere. Kai blinked, remembering that it hadn't been there a second ago, but shrugged it off. Maybe he just wasn't paying attention.
"Ask Ruki," Uruha, ever the sage, replied.
"He wouldn't tell me." Kai glanced behind him at Ruki who was stretched out along the floor, head in Reita's lap. He couldn't help how Aoi's hand trailed down to rest lightly by Reita's collarbone, and how Ruki glared at that hand with something that Kai could only call jealousy. "Why do you think that is?"
"Ask Reita."
"He seems busy."
Uruha almost choked on his small cup of sake. His eyes had trailed behind Kai just in time to see Ruki bat Aoi's hand away. In response, Aoi's fingers curled into Reita's hair to pull his head up, making his band mate look at him. Aoi's other hand moved to push Reita's noseband up farther up his nose as he leaned in. Ruki smacked Aoi's head away and placed his own back in Reita's lap, arms crossed and pouting.
Kai glanced behind him just in time to see Ruki's pout, and when he turned back to Uruha, knit is eyebrows together in confusion. The guitarist was laughing.
"Why does Ruki do this to us?" Kai asked, a whine in his voice, trying to put on his most innocent face.
"When it comes right down to it," Uruha said, reaching forward to extinguis his cigarette in the ash tray. "We're all just Ruki's bitches and have no say in what he makes us do."
Kai nodded at the 'advice', tucking it away as he stared out the window. He could see the airport drawing closer and closer. And that, in itself, meant that America was dawning on them.
"How do you suppose they built a garage in less than a year?" Miami wondered, staring at the large structure in front of her as Domino slowly drove her car towards the window to get a parking receipt. "Maybe they teleported it from somewhere. Oh hey! If they did that do you think they can do it with humans!?"
"I think I know where you're going with this," Domino began, "and I think I like it."
Domino drove higher and higher up to the top level of the six level garage and parked right in the corner, as to hide the car from the sun. It was already afternoon, so the car wouldn't get hot at all, even if they were going to be there long after the sun set. Domino did not want anything happening to her precious new baby.
"I can't believe someone persuaded Ruki to come," Miami stated, getting out of the car and shutting the door with caution.
"From an interview I read online I think he just liked the name of the tour."
"Then why hasn't he come sooner?"
"Because last year was the first time someone from Japan came. And might I add that the person in question is completely fine."
"I know!" Miami's voice was almost whiney.
"And K.A.Z isn't that bad either," Domino stated matter-of-factly.
They quickly escaped the clutches of the evil car garage and made it across the busy street with a crossing guard's help. When they reached the entrance they brandished their tickets, flashed them and were quickly admitted inside. Music was already all around them, small bands setting up for their first song and other "known" bands promoting their next album.
However, there were only two booths that Miami and Domino were concerned with.
They quickly headed towards the booths where the men and women setting up shouted at each other in quick Japanese.
"I want my guitar," Miyavi complained noisily as he trudged backstage with his tour manager.
He didn't need to be there, but he was persistant in his begging of wanting to leave and see the "park" that they were playing in. Miyavi was confused as to why it was called a park, there were barely enough trees and only a small patch of grass by the bathrooms. Not like he had the time to look as he practically ran to keep up with the manager as they made their way past the bathrooms and into the large amplitheater. Backstage, of course.
It wasn't cramped, but for some reason Miyavi felt like he wanted to be in an indoor venue instead of outside. He had no idea why, because he did like the open feel of the amplitheater.
"Just, be careful," the manager said, finally growing bored of Miyavi's constain complaints and Miyavi darted out of the backstage area and into the sunlight.
"AMERICA!" he shouted.
It was such a good day to wear his American flag shorts, even if he was going to be forced to change into something more "appropriate" for the show at nine. Even now, he decided it was too obvious what he was wearing and had to head to his trailer to change into something more "local", but with a hat and sunglasses to hide his identity like so many horrible movies about celebrities and spies.
So once he was decked out in some eleborate costume that was supposed to hide his identity, he strolled around the many booths set up around the merchandise area. He couldn't help but notice two girls at his own booth, gushing over him, and he was about to call attention to one (AFTER ALL IN HER LAST DREAM HE HAD GIVEN HER HIS FAMOUS BLACK SAMURAI GUITAR) but he was quickly drawn to The GazettE's booth, still barely set up with Ruki fidgeting nervously with Reita trying to calm him down by hugging him.
Miyavi saw Aoi phsyically brighten upon seeing him. But of course, Aoi was trying to be his copy cat after all. He was surprised he hadn't removed his lip ring as well, but all was well. Miyavi greeted them estatically.
"So many fans!" he told them.
"I only see two at your booth," Kai noted, looking towards said booth. "Sorry, make that ten."
Miyavi grinned.
"Hopefully we don't get anyone here," Ruki commented snidely, sniffing solemnly and raising his nose up in a 'I'm better than you' way.
Aoi rolled his eyes as Reita continued trying to hug Ruki. Between Aoi's yanks on his arm and Ruki's pushing him away, it wasn't working so well.
"Do you think The GazettE are setting up yet?" Miami wondered and she and Domino headed towards the stage that The GazettE would be taking over within the next half hour.
"The other band might still be playing," Domino responded.
When they got to the stage Domino's statement was proven wrong. Japanese men hurried about the stage setting up mics and drums and guitars and the works. Domino even swore she saw Kai fussing about his drums in the background, but that could have just been someone that looked like Kai, because someone who looked like Uruha was hanging all over him. Clearly, they could not be Kai and Uruha. Miami, on the other hand, could not stop staring at the maybe-Uruha's leg, and when Domino began drawing her attention to the pair (where her attention already was) she could only nod.
"It can't be them!" Domino stated matter-of-factly.
"He's got my legs," Miami stated sagely.
"But it can't be them!" Domino protested.
"Clearly not." Miami was having doubts. "But maybe."
"Never! I do not 'ship them! Only Reita and Ruki!"
"What about Aoi, because I think I just saw him making out with Reita like five minutes ago?"
"But I saw Ruki groping Reita like three minutes ago."
The girls shrugged at each other and catcalled to the handsome Japanese stage hands.
"Uruha, get off me," Kai demanded.
Uruha hugged him tighter.
"Uruha, don't kiss me," Kai demanded.
Uruha placed deep passionate kisses on his throat.
"Uruha, touch me."
Uruha took a giant step back from Kai and walked off with a giant smile on his face. Kai sighed and stared up at the stage as more stage hands set up his drum set. He couldn't help but notice two girls (the original two girls that had first started the fangirling rage at Miyavi's booth) cat calling to the poor stage hands, and Kai felt the need to jump in and save them. So he did, which only caused one of the girls to nearly faint into the others arms while the other just yelled at Kai to "stop teasing my dongsaeng!".
Reita came out on the stage to see what was going on, and Domino turned to him, starting to complain. Of course, they all knew what was being said, Ruki had brainwashed them into being able to speak English fluently but with an adorable accent because fangirls loved that. Though, maybe it had been a bad idea, since Ruki was afraid of fangirls.
Speaking of Ruki, he was next to come on stage, with Aoi, arguing about who would top, because both of them were obviously topping with Reita. When Ruki saw the two girls at the bottom of the stage (obviously there were more but Domino was practically climbing onto the stage with Miami in her arms, still half-fainted) he nearly pissed himself. Domino was yelling, clearly mad, because Kai had showed up.
Ruki looked at Kai. Sweet, innocent, fucking Uruha Kai had made a fangirl mad? He laughed, trying to imagine what Kai did. But he didn't have to for long, since Domino motioned to Miami, who was now perfectly fine and staring wide-eyed at the five men (Uruha had joined them when Ruki started laughing) because clearly this had to be a dream (actually this is based on a dream so it was half-true).
"Your drummer made my dongsaeng faint!" Domino shouted at Ruki.
"What the fuck is a dongsaeng?" Ruki shouted back, though he was quite terrified.
"Her!" Domino motioned to Miami. "She is my dongsaeng!"
"Dongsaeng means friend? What language is that?" Kai asked, curious.
"It means little sibling!" Domino shreiked.
Ruki almost flinched, but instead just stared. This girl was scary when mad. And it didn't help the crowd of fangirls began to grow. He was so tempted to flee off stage if it hadn't been for the fact the girl (only an inch taller than him) got in his face and started glaring him down. She blinked quickly though, and Ruki was curious. Then, Reita pushed him aside and got in the girl's face.
"Leave Ruki alone!" he said, and for an uke he was kind of powerful.
Ruki felt someone tap him on the shoulder, and when he turned, Aoi's mouth crashed against his and they were making out like crazy. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Domino. When she turned her attention back to Reita, she thought that Reita began looking like a triceratops with a noseband, and the thought made her laugh. Reita, confused, just turned his head angrily towards Ruki, who was still making out with Aoi. The scene made him upset, and he darted off the stage.
The others followed him.
The show went smoothly, of course. Only after Ruki was forced on stage and finally just ignored the fact the girl that had scared the piss out of him was standing front in center, her friend jumping up and down with the rest of the crowd while she just continued to glare past him at the drummer. He was surprised that Kai hadn't gone running, but then again Kai wasn't afraid of fangirls, Ruki was.
When the show was over, Ruki fled quickly with Reita hot on his tail, Aoi following after Reita. Kai remained behind, making sure his drums were taken care of properly and Uruha stayed behind to make sure Kai was being taken care of properly.
The scary girl hadn't moved from her spot, even after Ruki left and booked it towards the area where the tour buses were.