why should i always call him first..........it's like i am begging for friendship........yeah well i am sick of it........no i am done with it........maybe he needs a dictionary deffinition of a couple of words............
Main Entry: 1friend
Pronunciation: 'frend
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English frend, from Old English frEond; akin to Old High German friunt friend, Old English frEon to love, frEo free
1: one attached to another by affection or esteem
Main Entry: 1men·tor
Pronunciation: 'men-"tor, -t&r
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, from Greek MentOr
1: a trusted counselor or guide
maybe i am confused.............maybe friends and mentors show their friendship by ignoring someone.........yeah thats it.........
he said he would call......he never did.............he went into hiding as soon as i signed on............if he can't handle or just doesn't want to be my friend tell me........cut the crap and tell me straight up.................i don't want apologies........i don't want a mask.........i want the truth............
i am done traipsing on the egg shells............i am done being the actor in the play he (and everyone else, like "the guys") directing............i too am done being something i am not nor ever will be.........
life is far too short to let other people control it...........well i am done......i am kicking everyone out of my life who isn't helping me live how i want to live........starting with him and the guys......who knows....maybe even bethel......