Of the follies of family

Dec 16, 2012 22:37

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Un dia, no tan lejos, ella sera una persona con quien me gustaria ser amiga. Solo tengo que aceptarla hasta esa dia y tener un monton de paciencia (y negar mis ganos de tomar el papel de hermana mayor).

What do you do when your sister is not someone you want to be friends with? When her behavior disgusts and upsets you to the point of tears?

I want to love her, and I have to love her, because she is my sister. And as a big sister, I want to be able to tell her that she's making bad choices. But she is old enough to make those choices for herself. And although it pains me to do so (I never realized I was such a control freak) I have to let her live her life the way she wants to live it.

Ugh. And resist the urge to unfriend her on facebook...

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