Backthreading: Completely and Utterly A-OK! Just tell me when you want to and give me the post, brah!
Threadjacking: Well, let's put it this way: if it's comical, or makes sense, do it. If not, no thank you!
Fourthwalling: Go for it - Re-L could use a mind fuck every once in a while.
Offensive Subjects: You're gonna find it hard to offend me, so go right ahead. Re-L might get offended, though, but don't confuse that with me being offended!
Physical Contact: Unless she initiates it, it's advisable not to touch Re-L or even stand too close to her. She has a rather strict view of what is acceptable use of personal space and what isn't, and won't hesitate to kick your character out of her personal space if she feels they're invading it, and none too kindly either.
Hugging: Unless she initiates it - don't. The reaction will most likely be none too pleasing to anyone.
Kissing: Refer to above.
Flirting: You can try, but honestly, if Re-L doesn't want it, she will most likely utterly ignore every flirtatious comment, and refuse to flirt back. She won't react as violently as if your character were to try and touch her, though, because she thinks of flirtation as flattery - and that's the best way to win her approval.
Easiest ticket to bad side: Trying to be too familiar with her, telling her she's wrong, or implying she's imperfect. Also, flirting with Vincent or trying to boss her around.
Easiest ticket to good side: Flattery, flattery, flattery. And intelligence. Did I mention flattery?
Can I hack her journal?: Good luck. She's extremely adept at keeping the things she wants private, private.
Shapeshifting/bodyswapping/etc?: Just ask me permission first! Generally, this is fine though.
Sexual Orientation: Considering she was basically destined from the beginning to fall for Vincent - Heterosexual.
Fighting with this Character: It's pretty easy to tick her off - but not so easy to get her to admit you've won or concede defeat. In her mind, she's always right and always the winner, and she'll ruthlessly get at you until you admit defeat.
Killing this character: I might allow it at some point, but no, not right now.
Using mind reading on this character: Only if you want her to rage hard at your character. Her private life is private, damn it.