Puzzles: Billy & Dom Themed Crossword Puzzle

May 22, 2009 12:59

Oh my DOG. I sure hope you guys like crossword puzzles.


1. riding waves
7. site for 1 Across
12. paycheck increase
13. filming location of Master and Commander
14. brigands
15. passport or driver's license
16. Great Britain
17. slang: sexy
18. once called consumption
19. overnight flight
20. a sort of tuna
21. dim light receptor
22. a sort of finch
23. fruit of the Ficus
25. slang: insult
26. a sort of lizard
27. Tolkien's first names
28. prevaricate
29. novice
31. HTML: table cell tag
32. Gimli's actor
33. some knights say this
34. that man
35. speak without voice
38. habituated
41. state famed for taters
42. upstairs for the Balrog
43. improving trendDown:
2. Saruman's Orcs, ___-hai
3. a sort of rodent
4. took video of
5. Love ___ Battlefield
6. filming location of Lord of the Rings
7. Let It ___
8. egress
9. assistance
10. unit of volume
11. hole-dwellers
14. no longer in the closet
17. Frodo's band of protectors
18. gender neutral third person possessive pronoun
19. scoundrel
20. wrestler who played Fezzik
21. stiff
23. between lip and nose
27. interlocking puzzle
30. Ian's title
32. Yoda, for one
33. a noble gas
34. that woman
36. unconscious minds
37. the golden number
39. partner
40. slang: thank you

When you've done as much of the puzzle as you care to, the answer key can be found here.

It's been years since I made a crossword puzzle. It's a lot harder to create one when I'm even out of practice filling in the ones in newspapers. Thanks to skulkings for catching a couple of my bizarre mistakes before I posted. How do I spend so many hours on something like this? ::clutches head:: Please enjoy it!


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