(no subject)

Jan 25, 2004 16:49

Title: With a Little Alcoholic Help.
Author: healingwinds
Pairing: Billy/Dom
Rating: PG, PG-13 for language.
Feedback: Appreciated.
Author's Notes: Short. Sweet. First story of mine involving the two, written on a whim while bored on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
Summary: "If you weren't a bloke, I'd marry you."

"If you weren't a bloke, I'd marry you."

How many times had they spoken those words to each other, over how many drinks had those specific words fallen out slurred in that specific order? Of course, it was this reoccurring joke between the two that never went passed a few laughs here and there, no big deal. In fact, after a while the rest of the cast stopped eyeing the pair when the joke was exchanged and instead joined in on the fun. "Just don't forget to tell us when you two finally set the date," Elijah would muse, downing another glass of scotch on the rocks. They'd laugh and nod their heads along with the joke. "Wouldn't want to miss the wedding of Mr. and.. Mr. Billy Boyd."

"--That's Mr. and Mr. Dominic Monaghan, thank you very much," Dom would interrupt matter of fact-ly, smirking quite smugly, but not before Billy would "accidentally" kick him in the shin and give him what had been newly dubbed "The Evil Boyd Eye of Doom" by their obviously mature co-stars.

"Since when are you in charge?"

"Since now." Another drink.

"Well, I don't know if I like that attitude, Mr. Grumpy Pants. The Wedding is off!"

Yes, everyone had a good laugh at their expense, and for some reason, the joke never got old and it seemed it would never reach its half-life, for Dom had this uncanny ability to bring it up at almost every interview. ( "Oh yeah, Billy's great. If he were a girl, I'd marry him." ) It never failed and while most of the cast and crew still enjoyed the joke after all this time, one did not.

It was frustrating for Billy to continually hear this same line over and over and have no one but he get tired of it -- and he was one who actively participated in the beginning. When it was brought up, it was the only time he actually felt old with the rest of the hobbits ( and Orlando, of course, who might as well have been one for how much he spent with them at the pubs ) and, if he didn't know any better, he was sure that these grievances were causing the receding of his hairline. Billy wasn't sure why he disliked the joke so much. It unnerved him for some unknown reason and he wanted to give Dom a smack upside his head and call him an idiot. The urge grew stronger each time Dom unceremoniously mentioned the line, to the point when one night Billy nearly snapped.

They had been drinking ( how unusual ) and the pub was beginning to clear out as the early hours of the morning rolled in. Dom was completely sloshed, drinking at least twice his usual load in almost half the time, while Billy had at least half of what he usually drank in nearly twice the time. Luckily for Dom that Billy was there. He had to stop the younger brit numerous times from climbing on top of the table and bellowing out ( "Singing, Billy! I'm singing!" ) the chorus of "Girls just want to have fun" while trying to take his shirt off. Billy made a mental note to shoot the next person who tried to play that damn song again.

"Dom, let's go. We've got an early call tomorrow." Which was a complete lie. Billy wanted to go home, but wasn't about to leave Dom in the state he was.

"Just.. one more," was the reply, if you could call that slurred mess of words a sentence.

"No, I think it's best if you don't."

"Com'off it, Billy. You don't hafta stay."

"If you are, then yes, I do." Then came the bomb.

"Thanks, Billy. You know.. if you weren''t a bloke, I'd marry yeh, but--"

"No. That's it." Billy cut him off mid sentence, slamming his palms on the table top.

"What's yer problem? I was jus' gonna say--"

"No, I know what you were going to say, Dom, and I don't ant to hear it. You think I don't know that already? God, Dom, you are an unbelievable fool! It pains me to hear that damn "if." If I were a girl, if I weren't Billy, if I weren't some goddamn guy who, by the way, is the stupidest bloke alive. ( "You're not stupid, Billy." ) No, Dom, I am. I have been trying to convince myself that how I feel isn't true, that I don't love you, but I do. And if I have to hear one more goddamn time that the reason we aren't together is because I am ot some cheap chick, I am going to go crazy, Dom.."


".. so please, just finish your fucking drink.."


".. so we can get the hell out of here and I can act like none of this happened and.."


".. And what, Dom?!"

"You didn't let me finish."

Billy rolled his eyes. "You have got to be shitting me. Fine, Dom. Finish and I'll take you home."

"I was gonna say that even if you weren't a girl, I'd still marry yeh."

The next morning Dom woke up with the biggest and most painful hangover of his life. Billy was sitting next to his bed asleep, holding Dom's hand, a warm cup of coffee waiting for him on his bedside table. And Dom smiled. He'd have to thank the alcohol for giving him his chance another time.

* * *
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