Title: Trials, Temptation and Triumph, Part 8 - Recovery
Author: Alassenya
Genre: Lost / Urban Ghost Story AU Crossover; Angst/Romance
Pairing: Charlie/Shark (Rory)
Rating: NC-17 (US); R (UK/Aus). Swearing, sexually explicit scenes, violence, alcohol and drug abuse.
Beta: Thanks go to
hisniblets for insightful comments and some role-playing assistance in the later parts of the story, and to
glasgowhobbit and
billyhasmyheart for their input and encouragement.
Author's Notes: This is a sequel to
Debts, Dates and Denial which I posted in 2006. It is not a single story; rather a series of linked episodes describing what happens to Charlie, Rory and their families in the period 1999-2007.
For introduction and warnings see
Chapter 8.1 - Adjustment Chapter 8.2 - Confession Chapter 8.3 - Friendship Chapter 8.4 - Differences Chapter 8.5 - Valentine