(no subject)

Jul 08, 2006 01:15

Today was a very philisophical day. I had lunch with some guys from my REU, and we talked a lot about gender relationships in the engineering field as well as religion. The religion part was a very light-hearted comparing, not a heated discussion of "what is right."

Alisha, Teri and I went out to eat at the Thai Country Cafe (yum, yum) and then watched yet another chick flick tonight: Failure to Launch. I had already seen it, but it was nice to hang out with just the girls, especially since we're all single. Afterwards, Alisha and I looked some stuff up on my computer and then had a deep, two-hour long talk. We covered a wide range of topics: relationships, friends, siblings, parents, psychology, and "interesting" past roommates (not you Pats!). I always enjoy a good bonding conversation.

Tomorrow's plans: biking in Forest Park, Wal-Mart, and Pirates' Party!
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