Two nights ago, I finally finished the last of the Potter series and my first reaction was to go to sleep. Four days and four nights of mindless transition between my real world and Harry's wizarding one had taken their toll on me, and it was with three-quarters regret and one-quarter relief that I finally returned to the world I really belonged
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It was unputdownable (for me) because I have followed the series so closely but I don't think that it stands as an excellent book outside of the hype and expectation context. I did read it in six hours - two back-2-back sittings interrupted only by meals, but I am not sure I want to go back to it over and over again like I did with the other books. But then, that might just be me.
Tell me, do you think the comparisions with WWII or those between Lord Voldemort to Hitler are legitimate? (I'm shortly going to post those queries/doubts that were stuck in my head after reading book 7, you may wish to reply this question there instead).
WWII and Hitler and Voldy? Hmmm not a connection I made or would like to either. I prefer to think that fantasies were not just pale imitations of life - the Aristotlean distinction between the probable and the possible.
anyway, I made a nice long post about the spoiler questions and then the browser did that nasty thing that browsers often do and it was all lost. I didn't have the patience to type it all again. Someday if a cup o'coffee finds us sitting together, I'll pick your brains then. Be Warned! :)
The cuppa coffee and potter talk sound good.All we need to do now is to arrange to be in the same continent-country-state-city; in that order :)
How then will you connect with the future series of books about Harry's kids ? :-p
The only kid I wanna read about is Scorpious Snape - now that is sheer poison.
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