Anyone who missed the comments from the lovely and generous
cryptic_thinky and
lavenderfrost should know that the following tracks are up on sendspace:
The Rolling Stones - Jumpin Jack FlashAretha Franklin - Jumpin Jack FlashThe Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter (Streetlab mix) [You may know this one from
sockpuppett's SPN S2 vid that I recced a little while ago.]
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil (Neptune's Full-Length Mix) My internet was being a bitch last night and wouldn't let me upload more than a few MB at a time, but I'm going to give it another shot tonight and upload a "best of" The Who, an Aretha Franklin compilation I found (providing it's done downloading when I get home) and...anyone want anything else? Consider this to be me taking requests.