Stuff And Things

May 14, 2007 11:33

~ This post is partially so I can use this new icon. LOOK at his MOUTH. Gngh.

~ I have the sleepy. *yawns* I slept like crap last night and kept waking up in that verrah speshul anxiety way. I also had a dream that I was insanely late to work because my cat kept getting out and my mom kept needing help with something and it all took place in my childhood home. Then it was, like, 2:30pm - in the dream - and I was going to hail a cab just to put in SOME hours at work but then I woke up when I realized that you can't really hail cabs in Bridgeport and furthermore, Wolfram and Hart is located in DC. So I must be dreaming. My brain is odd.

~ I think I'm dehydrated and that's not helping with the sleepy. So now I have a ginormous glass of ice water.

~ My weekend was boring, as is this post. I finally caught up on all aired Heroes eps and played lots of Sims2 on my playstation. Sadly, since I don't have the PC version, I can't put in the hacks for hardcore NC-17 buttsex and mpreg. I consider this a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

~ I am fucking obsessed with cat macros. Yeah, I don't know. Here's some of my favorites.

~ In other cat news, The Kitten Beast demanded I play fetch with her ALL DAY YESTERDAY. She only stopped for a brief, hour-long nap at about 7pm. She also stopped when I refused to play anymore and lay there, staring at me longingly with her big woobie kitten eyes, until she dozed off, flat on her face in that begging posture. Then when I sat up, she blinked, leapt up and wiggled excitedly, waiting again for me to throw the plastic ring from a Vitamin Water bottle which she's decided deserves many violent deaths.

ALL DAY LONG. This is not normal. This is dog-normal, not cat-normal. She plays FETCH.

She also talks to herself. Little "mew"s and "mrrp"s as she paws open the two closet doors in the entryway. She refuses to leave them closed and they don't latch right so she can nudge them open again if she tries real hard. Which she does. While talking to herself. I close them again at night and she's opened them by morning. She has some, like, philosophical problem with those two doors being closed.

~ There is guy here who walks up the street at roughly the same time EVERY NIGHT, whistling some random tune, and it doppler-effects by until he's right under the window and then fades away again. I've seen, and glared, at him when I've been outside smoking and then I hear him through the window. I hear and/or see him almost EVERY DAY. HE IS THE GLITCH IN MY MATRIX AND IT MUST END. If I fly off the handle, run into the street and strangle him to death in the next three nights, I cannot be held responsible.

~ I can't fucking write. I CANNOT FUCKING WRITE. And I'm not even sure I WANT to. Some of you have heard me say this before but writing is not a free and easy, fun and games kind of experience for me - it's hard and painful and burns obsessively bright and I think my brain is protecting me from that sort of energy expenditure right now. *sigh* But I hate it.

~ WE MOVE BACK HOME FOR GOOD ON THURSDAY!!!! *dance of gleeeeee* We're bringing everything that we don't need for work on Thursday morning over on Wednesday evening and I'll get to see everything! Then when I go home from work on Thursday? I ACTUALLY GO HOME. \o/ And then I watch the SPN finale. And then I die. But at least I'll die AT HOME.

~ Um, yes, that's all I got. WOW, BORING.

kitten beast, randomosity, picspam

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